Referring Vets Information
I am happy to see all dermatology cases, acute or chronic. If you have any questions please contact me.
Intadermal allergy testing is available following initial consultation.
Dumfries and Galloway referrals (Machars Veterinary Services) - Referrals from D and G practices to Machars Veterinary Services. Email referral request form and client history to We will then contact the client to arrange an appointment.
Machars Veterinary Services clients referrals- Email the pets history and referral form to Once referral request received an appointment can be arranged.
Ayrshire referrals (Dalblair Vets) - Referrals from Ayrshire practices to Dalblair vets, please email the history and referral form to and we will phone the client to arrange an appointment.
Dalblair Vets clients referrals- Once the client and pet have been booked in to see me please fill out the referral form and email it to along with the history.
Academy Vets, Creebridge Vets and Northvet referrals- Email the pets history and referral form to Once referral request received an appointment can be arranged.
Contact Marion to arrange the referral.
Vet Referral form
"As one of the general practice vets at Dalblair Vet Surgery, I can highly recommend Mary Jane's
dermatology service. She is with us one day per week, and it has provided our clients with a
fantastic opportunity for referral without the inconvenience of traveling, and reduces stress to the
animal as they are in the familiar environment of the surgery. We now have many patients who are
attending MJ and this has allowed us as a practice to feel we are offering a gold standard service in
dermatology. MJ has been a valuable addition to the wider team and we are delighted to be
working alongside her in improving the quality of life of our many dermatology patients. MJ is also
very helpful with our general queries regarding dermatology, and we have all benefited from her
input even for those cases who don't end up being referred."
Debbie Findlay MRCVS
Serology Allergy Testing
External laboratory Tests
Ear Flushing