Owner Information

There are a wide range of skin conditions in cats and dogs. Below are some of the common reasons for a visit
hair loss
red, inflamed skin
head shaking
sore ears
scabs, sores and scales
over grooming
There are many different possible causes for these symptoms some of which are
allergies (environmental and food)
auto immune conditions
endocrine conditions for example hypothyroidism and cushings
You might be visiting with a new symptom for your pet or something you have been dealing with for a long time. It may affect all of your pets skin or just a very small area. No matter how small (or big) your concerns are I am more than happy to help to resolve them.
I always aim to diagnose the underlying problem and make a management plan that works for both pet and owner.
Initial consultations are one hour long, this allows for time to discuss all concerns, gather a full history, examine your pet and to perform some initial diagnostic tests where appropriate. Please read the what to expect during the dermatology consultation document to find out more.
Follow up consultations are usually 30 minutes, where we will discuss how treatment is going and monitor progress.
In many dermatology conditions there is a lot that you the owner can do at home to help. It's important for us to work together in order to achieve the most successful outcome. This is especially true in pets with allergies. Please take a look at the information document on allergies to find out more.
